Sunday, October 2, 2011

Apple Cinnamon Spice Cake -- Betty Crocker Style

Months ago, I wrote about the Betty Crocker Baking Challenge.  You had to use their gluten-free baking mixes to make a holiday treat.  I started....  And didn't exactly finish because the end of my school year was a little wild!  And then I found out that Betty Crocker changed their Chocolate Cake mix to include soy flour which is a HUGE no-no for me [read about it here].  So while I did make a YUMMY Double Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcake, I cannot recreate it and make it save for me to eat.  This is a bummer since these cupcakes were a huge hit with my students.*

But, I did make an Apple Cinnamon Spice Cake.  I love apples...  But I am allergic to them in their raw form.**  So whenever I crave apples, I either have to bake with them or eat apple sauce.  This time I baked. 

Apple Cinnamon Spice Cake
This cake is really easy to make.  However, I did figure out a few tricks you need when baking with gluten-free mixes -- especially if you have to substitute the butter and/or milk to make it safe for you.

You will need:

1 box of Betty Crocker Betty Crocker Yellow GF Cake Mix
3 small apples, peeled and chopped up pretty small (I used a green color)***
1 T cinnamon
1 t nutmeg
1 t ginger
1 t cloves
3/4 t xanthum gum

The tricks (note that I only added things; I used the exact amounts of the extras the mix called for):

1)  Mix about 1/3 of the dry mix with your butter (or whatever you are using -- I used a combo of futter and shortening) to "cream" together.  When fully mixed together, add the xanthum gum.
2) Alternate the rest of the mix with the liquids until almost combined.
3) Finally add the apples and spices and continue to mix until fully combined.

Follow the rest of the box directions when it comes to baking times, oven temps, etc.  I used a 11x7 pan but feel free to make cupcakes, a sheet cake, whatever you want!

Cinnamon Frosting

You will need:

2/3 C shortening
1 package of powdered sugar
1 T cinnamon
hot water

Combine the first three ingredients in a mixer while slowly adding enough hot water to give you the frosting consistency that you want.  [I usually make a "thinner" frosting when using it for a one layer cake versus a "thicker" frosting for a two later cake or cupcakes.]

Frost the cake when it cools -- then enjoy!

*As much as I love eating everything I bake, I can't eat it all.  Plus I need people to try out my experiments to see if they even work!  This is where my students come in -- and co-workers.  They all get to try my treats while also giving HONEST feedback about it.  Sometimes I make them write about why they liked/disliked the treat.  Always thinking of creative ways to teach :)

**It is called Oral Allergic Syndrome and I just happen to have a pretty bad case of it.  In fact, I am so allergic to apples that I can often get a rash when cutting up the apples for baking. 

***Since I never actually eat raw apples, I have no clue how to pick out apples or what kind to get!  I either make whoever is with me pick them out or ask someone in the grocery store.  Pick whatever apples you like to bake with and you will be just fine!

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