Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Allergies on the Rise!

I was listening to the news the other night and heard something about food allergies.  This got my interest (food allergies and education -- that is what I turn the volume up for!).  Turns out food allergies are on the rise.  Newest data: 1 in 12 kids have some sort of food allergy.

Today Show Report

I also found this article: from CNN.  It was about a dad who lost his son to a food allergy.  It also mentioned that having a food allergy isn't "cool."  My favorite quote from the article:

"There's a sense of embarrassment associated with food allergies for teens in particular, especially when they have to decline a kiss from a date who has just eaten peanuts or other offending foods."

This could not be more true.  Those of you that know me, know that I found out about my allergies the hard way.  In college, I kissed a boy after he had eaten peanut butter.  And away I went to the hospital.... 

me and Steve (aka: peanut-butter boy) about a month after the hospital trip
[Don't worry, we are still good friends.  He is forever known as "peanut-butter boy" at my parents' house.  My mom always asks: "How is peanut-butter boy?"]

I found out later in life that I was allergic to peanuts.  And then tree nuts... and then soy.  Finally, adding wheat and dairy.  It was a HARD adjustment.  Especially when it came to my social life.  I hated, HATED, going out to eat.  Hated it.  I could never eat anything -- and the waiters always give you this horrible look and say "Oh, I am so sorry....."  It sucks. 

And yes, I had to ask boys what they had eaten before I kissed them.  Luckily, my amazing friends asked for me!  But it was embarrassing.  And annoying.  But necessary.  Going to the hospital telling the doctors that you kissed a boy and wound up in the hospital is not the best situation.  Hilarious, yes.  Fun, not so much. 

You would be surprised at how little people know about food allergies.  Yes, you can die from a food allergy.  It has happened.  More than I want to admit.  But food allergies are out there.  And becoming more prevalent.  1 in 12 kids.  You will know someone with food allergies.

Please, please learn more about food allergies -- make those with food allergies feel welcome and less embarrassed.*

*I must say that my friends and family are the best.  They often make things for me to eat or find places where I can eat.  I mean, my mom made an ENTIRE allergen-free Thanksgiving dinner last year.  Now that is just plain awesome!  And the Future Husband is constantly perfecting a gluten-free pasta recipe -- and making allergen-free ravioli -- YUM! 

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